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retro gamerCard Figher Project was mentioned in Retro Gamer magazine by Image Publishing. It was a short article, and unfortunatly they forgot to mention the URL for the projects website. It was still a neat thing for them to do.

I had been contacted by the writer of the article who was going to post a second article on the project if I send him a full set of the cards. I wish I would have been able to do it, but I did not have that kind of money at the time to help him out. See the article cliping by clicking here.

Gameplay footage

A special thanks goes out to all of the following artists who have contributed to the use of their artwork for the Card Fighter Project. Thank you all! Each artist is listed with the card they provided art for (see the card section for the contributing artists).

Special Thanks
Ed Mandy - for his willingness to take care of the server costs over the years.
Vincent Tam - for assistance towards the end finding needed art for AC and RE cards.
Raúl Sáez - for finding many particular errors.

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This site is not affiliated with SNK or Capcom. All characters and artwork are copyright by their proper owners.
 I do not claim any copyrights on any of their intellectual properties within these pages. No money is being made from this project it has been all for educational purposes only.
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Legends Expansion